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Tuesday 12 January 2010

Shot Sequence

Shot sequence

Shot 1 – long shot, man dressed in a suit and tie, wearing clown makeup, stood in the middle of the road facing camera.

Shot 2 – close-up of mans face, duck tape over mouth painted over, crying.

Shot 3 – close-up of hands and legs tied up.

Shot 4 – long shot, bright light focuses on the man who slowly turns to face it.

Shot 5 – car speeds towards man and runs him over; man and car go off screen and car screeches and stops. Off camera the sound of the door opening, body being dragged.

Shot 6 – body is thrown into the boot of the car, boot is closed.

Shot 7 – close-up of door handle, car opens and man gets in.

Shot 8 – close-up of cigarette in mans mouth, the flame from his Zippo lighter lights up his face (nose and below) shows worn clown makeup. Takes a drag from the cigarette and blows the smoke out.

Shot 9 – Point of view shot, bag is taken off mans head and he looks around inside of a farm house ruin.

Shot 10 – establishing shot of the inside of the ruin, captured man on the right hand of the screen and the driver is walking towards him. Driver rips the duck tape off the man, he screams and questions why he’s doing what he’s doing.

Shot 11 – close-up of driver putting cigarette in mans mouth, starts talking about how firing squad’s used to give the person being shot a cigarette before they are killed.

Shot 12 – man spits the cigarette out, starts shouting at the driver calling him crazy. The driver keeps talking constantly as he walks back, faces the man and cocks a gun.

Shot 13 – man is crying for help and asking him to stop, the driver starts saying what the firing squad say before they shoot.

Shot 14 – close-up of drivers face when he stops talking, his face lights up from the gunshot.

Shot 15 – fast forward through what’s happened, title screen.

Project Proposal Form

A Level Media Studies – Project Proposal Form

A detailed Shooting Schedule and Storyboard MUST be attached to this proposal form before any equipment will be issued!!

Title of Project:
Names of Students Involved and Roles Allocated:

Josh Cottle – Camera, editing

Sam Charman – Acting, camera, editing
Estimated Time Allocated to Production: 2 weeks
Estimated Time Allocated to Post-Production: 4 weeks
Dates of Production:
Dates of Post-Production:
Brief Synopsis of Project:

Psychological thriller, dark mood, surreal.

Films to analyse - Watchmen, Sin City.
Equipment Required and Dates Required:

Camera, tripod, whiteboard

Farmyard ruins
Costumes and Props:

Clown makeup
Suit and tie

Casting (Including Extras):
Any Further Comments: