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Tuesday 12 January 2010

Project Proposal Form

A Level Media Studies – Project Proposal Form

A detailed Shooting Schedule and Storyboard MUST be attached to this proposal form before any equipment will be issued!!

Title of Project:
Names of Students Involved and Roles Allocated:

Josh Cottle – Camera, editing

Sam Charman – Acting, camera, editing
Estimated Time Allocated to Production: 2 weeks
Estimated Time Allocated to Post-Production: 4 weeks
Dates of Production:
Dates of Post-Production:
Brief Synopsis of Project:

Psychological thriller, dark mood, surreal.

Films to analyse - Watchmen, Sin City.
Equipment Required and Dates Required:

Camera, tripod, whiteboard

Farmyard ruins
Costumes and Props:

Clown makeup
Suit and tie

Casting (Including Extras):
Any Further Comments:

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