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Monday 1 March 2010

The Filming sessions

To produce our film we decided to film as much as we could at a time, for example we filmed the beginning of the sequence on one afternoon. we then went back to school uploaded it to the Mac's and then fully edited. but after doing this we then decided to re film this part of the opening. the changes made the second time around were to slightly change the location of filming in that we moved just up the road a bit more. this was due to the fact that we could see a few things in the wooded back drop that we didn't like i.e a sign.
For the session in the farm yard ruins we were undecided on where to actually film it. this is as we both had to different ideas of where we wanted to film. I personally wanted to film it in an historic barn where it just had the wall standing. But Josh wished film at an old farm yard which was much more recently derelict in that it had rubbish in a few place that we had to move to allow us to film.
After going view both locations we decided on Josh's location this is as on the day before had we allocate to film there was heavy ran this meaning to get to my location you had to walk through knee high mud. We managed to get the filming done relatively quick as we planned out exactly what we would do whilst at the location the week before at school.
After filming this second part of the opening sequence we up loaded the footage roughly ten days before half term. We managed to finish all the editing in lesson times by the end of term. With only the running over scene to put in that we had already allowed a slot for this footage to be placed.
During our first filming session in the woods we made a few decisions on that spot for example the types of shot i.e medium close-ups, medium long shots and long shots. I after looking back at our recorded footage we saw that we made a few wrong decisions this backing up our point to re film the first part of the sequence.

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